Top 5 Best/Worst Series Endings.

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday topic with the Broke and the Bookish is the top ten best/worst series endings.

I do read series, but on looking at the topic today, I realize that I haven’t read a whole whack of them.  I mean, I read all of the kids series as a kid and teenager, but they don’t really end as much as keep on going and going, so endings, from what I remember weren’t really overwhelmingly definite, for the most part.  The list is going to  be short.

Best Endings:

  1. Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins.  Some people hate it, some love it.  I like the actual ending.  I didn’t love the entire book as much as the first two, nor did I love some of the twists in the plot, but I do love the general outcome.
  2. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows by J.K. Rowling.  Again, some of the twists in the plot threw me off, but that is what makes life interesting.  I do like how everything was tied in and wrapped up by the end.
  3. Something Blue by Emily Giffin.  I don’t know if I would call it the end of a series, but it kind of is.  I liked seeing things from the other side of the story and how things settled in the longer run.

Worst Endings:

  1. Green by Ted Dekker.  I loved The Circle series overall.  I liked this book, but I struggled with the book and its ties to both worlds and how it ended overall.  I hate endless loops.  But that being said, I didn’t quite love the alternate ending either.
  2. Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer.  I mock the series, but I did read it entirely and found it intesting in some ways.  The ending was ridiculous, though.  Especially the whole Jacob and spawn thing.  Ick.

Endings I am looking forward to:

  1. Allegiant by Veronica Roth.  I am super pumped for this book.  Super pumped.

I clearly need to read more series.  Clearly.

10 thoughts on “Top 5 Best/Worst Series Endings.

  1. I have a love/hate relationship with Mockingjay. I guess we can say I am pleased with the final outcome, but I hate how hurried it was in the end after the entire book had funky pacing.

    • It does, although I have found a lot more lovers of the Mockingjay ending after writing this post and reading some of the others. There are more of us out there!

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