Just keep swimming

Just keep swimming. Just keeeeeeeeep swimming…  -Dory in Finding Nemo

Image via Wikia

This has become my new motto.  One, I love Dory… She is priceless.  Her enthusiasm is what we all should have.  Her memory loss… Well, that is an issue.  But nonetheless, I know I need to adopt this attitude.  No matter what, keep swimming.

It seems that I was fairly certain that once the Match and CaRMS were over with I would have more time to have a life and that things might slow down… I was so wrong.  So.  Wrong.

**Cue rant about how busy I am… Instead of doing something about all of the things I am complaining I am busy about.**

Since matching, I received a stack (the size of a small novel) of paperwork to be filled out for the school and the hospital and all of the professional organizations I need to join and become involved in.  I swam my way through what I could and sent off what is urgent and have set aside those that aren’t due until the end of April/beginning of May.

I realized that we don’t know where we will live.  We considered buying but are going to take a year or so to get to know the area and save for a down payment.  So, we need to find a rental property.  We need to have a home address.  And I need it for most of that paperwork…  Ugh.  At least (as I said, I can hoard it until it is closer to its due date).  We booked tickets to go to the city for a weekend in mid-April with a goal to get an apartment or condo or townhouse to rent.  Ugh.  At least prospects look decent from the skim we have made.

With the moving comes the finding a moving company, packing and all of the paperwork that goes with moving.  Fortunately, I feel I can put that off until we have an address to move to.  Thank goodness.

In addition to all of this blissful paperwork, I got a return for service contract to my home province.  It isn’t a good one because our home province has no money, but nonetheless it increases the chance that we might go back.  And it gives us extra funds to start up in our new home.  It also meant more paperwork.  Good paperwork.  It is all good paperwork.

We have to finish planning our Europe trip.  I know, how ridiculous is it to whine about planning a Europe trip.  It is fast approaching and we need to book hotels and EurRail passes and all that good stuff.

Plus hair cuts, doctors appointments, errands, eating, the gym, the spouse… Those important things.  Oh, and school… One more rotation to go, then back to the classroom.

Then, there is studying for the LMCC…  My big licensing exam.  That apparently everyone is already studying for.  Except me.  Okay, I have started but really only because I have succumbed to peer pressure.  I am sure I will write a more detailed and informative post than this, but for now… Ugh.  That is my sole sentiment.  I should be doing practice exams or reading or whatever.

So, as my ranting and time-wasting illustrates, I am feeling a touch on the swamped and overwhelmed side.  So, “just keep swimming,” seems a good thing to say.  I know it will be over before I know it and I am not wishing the time away.  If I keep diligently working through it (and not playing computer chess or reading too, too many blogs), things will get done.

I must note, that not being able to drink non-tap water things makes studying in coffee shops (my favorite locale other than my construction-infested home) a challenge.  A cookie and water do not seem as good with coffee wafting in the air.

To motivate productiveness, here are a few choice songs for your (and my) listening pleasure…

“Just Keep Swimming” by Dory in Finding Nemo.  I already explained my reasoning to this and Dory is my favourite!

“We Are Young” by Fun.  A new favourite of mine.  You can really belt along with it and I find if I can belt, I can do tasks.

“SOS” by ABBA.  I know, old and redone by Mama Mia, where, I confess I discovered I loved it.  But, it is ridiculously upbeat, so it can get me moving.

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